Sunday, January 2, 2011

Vibram Five Fingers Orginal

So I've had these for about 6 monthes. I decided to pick up a pair after reading "Born Free"
My initial thoughts after picking them up was it felt like a glove. I slowly relized after walking around in them, that my second toe was bent. Shortly after that the little toe started to bug me. Still I popped out $75 and sending them back is not realistic. Japan being so far. So I took them out.

There really grippy and flexible. These shoes are perfect for working out, yoga, and walking. Running in them is a bit sketchy. The elastic band around the foot really isn't enough. Plus the pain in my toe became unbearable.  I liked the idea, and I really wanted a running shoe so I bought the KSO.

The Originals are collecting dust under my tv.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Resolution and what this is...

2010 was a crazy year. I was discovered a tumor in my leg. After surgery I was bound to my couch for  six months. At first it was heaven. Shortly after the couch became my prison. Slowly day after day passed finally I'm walking again. this year I want to be more active than any year in the past.
So I'm planning on being active in someway this year. And taking pictures all along the way. With all this activity I'm going to posting reviews on shows, gear, tracking my distance with runs, taking pictures of the vegetarian dishes, and cruising Tokyo on my last year before work. To get this started I'm going to post something everyday for January. Just to kick things off....Please roast me if there is no update!